...because I had to buy every brand to know the truth

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We offer free loaner session EWOT bags & Airsep 10L 20PSI Oxyen concentrators
Shipping is $75 - Thats all you pay!
I put ewot bag in a large stroller when I run
I ask anyone who can hold this for me while I run for $50 bucks
I run with the bag up above my head when I can't find anyone to hold it for me
Ewot and Running
Using Ewot and running is probably the most popular way people using Ewot. I personally use my Ewot 95% of the time when I am on my vibration plate and go "all out" (see my vibration page if you never heard of a vibration plate). Or, I use it with my infrared sauna or with my rebounder. (I don't ever use this unless my core is 3 degrees higher and I am doing exercises like the jamba run on the rebounder.

Ewot bags are light so the smaller ewot bags are easier to carry when jogging than the 8 foot bags. It can be rigged like a big backpack on my back. But, most people keep their Ewot bag by their treadmill and are not going to take it to the park or track like I do. Above are some ways to use Ewot while running or jogging.