Ewot buyer's guide
...because I had to buy every brand to know the truth

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The Largest EWOT Review site on the Internet
We compared the different EWOT mask and bag brands on the market.
​Buying an Oxygen Concentrator for Ewot -
Some oxygen concentrators go up to 10 liters per minute but do not put out even close to 95% oxygen so you have to turn them down to 2 to 3 liters per minute to get that. I have tested nearly every brand and I tested them at their highest output. It is really unfair to customers having them think they are getting a certain oxygen percentage when in actuality they are not. I have chosen the oxygen concentrator that performs the best but it is more expensive than the cheaper 10 liters per minute brands as the brand of my choice for those looking for the highest oxygen concentrator on the highest levels. This is one of the biggest complaint I get with Ewot.
I do carry the cheaper oxygen concentrator brands but they will not perform like a light commercial grade model.
Take the Ewot Quiz. The questions will isolate all Ewot-relevant issues. When you call me, I will go over each answer. I don't just sell someone an Ewot setup without giving my help. I rarely get Ewot setups returned because I give full service in helping people choose. You actually choose the Ewot setup based on your answers, not a SALESPERSON TELLING YOU WHICH TO BUY
Chemical smells: Some of these Ewot devices leach a strong smell similar to a tire store. The formaldehydes are still left in the material and can cause off-gassing (usually when they are new and can be off gassed by leaving them in the hot car or in the sun. Unfortunately, the higher end Ewot bags and masks must be made really strong and these can off gas. I do set aside hoses, Ewot masks, and Ewot bags that I have off gassed for people by request. Contact me to see what I have available. Note: some are made with the standard chemicals made but others use petrochemicals and really toxic chemicals. I do not sell the brands that I found that are using these practices.
​Using EWOT for athletic performance with ZPE Fractals
​Out of all the protocols that people use with EWOT, Zpe fractals has topped everything off for me. I have tried ZPE without Ewot and it still is pretty powerful but with Ewot, based on everyone I have tested this on, it is more effective. (for those that want to see my private youtube channel where I review all the different ZPE products I have found on the market, let me know and I will send you the link. Also, I can ship a free ZPE fractal for anyone that wants one. I have shoeboxes full of these (like over 20,000 of these at this time). For those that already have an Ewot setup I can also send a free one for those willing to do a review for my youtube channel. (please send me a video of your Ewot setup).

The ASO99 model is the most powerful of all the oxygen concentrators I have tested. Their 20 PSI compressor is a little more noisy than the 10 psi versions but the compressors last way longer and over time shouldn't wear out like the smaller compressor models. This is when the vibrational noise starts happening and it starts leaking air. This is when I see so many refurbished units being sold. I have rarely seen a refurbished 20 psi oxygen concentrator from any companies selling this size. 
Omg...this is what drives me crazy selling Ewot. For some people, the biggest selling point is the warranty. Some have a 1 year warranty and some have a "lifetime" warranty. It's like I could tell them this garbage bag can be filled with oxygen and it will have a lifetime warranty. Now pay me 300 bucks for this garbage bag and they will do it. So, I am going to expose what is really going on with these "lifetime" warranties. People think they are going to buy an Ewot bag and anytime it breaks they are gonna fix it. Wrong. It is a lifetime guarantee against any manufacturer's flaws. Any leaks, any fraying, or anything that goes wrong usually happens within the first few weeks or months. So, if anything happens 3 years later even if the one I bought was under their "lifetime" warranty they are not going to fix it. It is always the customers fought which is my fault.

​Heating core vs starting Ewot and going in Cold -
​So many people are getting the wrong idea about Ewot. The whole goal is to transport oxygen to the cells, not just breath it in and breath it out. It's like people think they can utilize all that extra oxgyen and combust it into carbon dioxide without heating up their body temperature. This is different than HBOT where oxygen is pushed to the cells by pressure and this is the only way to avoid heating the core to "push" oxygen.

Before doing Ewot, I know my pulse rate I am most comfortable starting with. I never start Ewot unless I am at the point where I am going to use the oxygen as fuel. In high humidity climates especially places where the air is almost as warm as my body is, it is hard to evaporate my sweat. I rarely recommend heating up the core in high humidity areas and doing Ewot there as many people if they don't know what they are doing can get heat exhaustion.

Ewot for Lipolysis (many people buy to help with weightloss -
​Those that are doing sauna therapy or heating up their core often get an Ewot setup for fat loss. When lipolizing 400 calories, those melted fat cells have to go somewhere. Many people do rebounding or whole body vibration during their Ewot session. Getting oxygen to these far to reach places in the body has been the hardest thing for most people to do. Many people have deep blockages in the body and just breathing in air from an Ewot bag is not enough unless burning the oxygen and heating the core.