...because I had to buy every brand to know the truth

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The Largest EWOT Review site on the Internet
We compared the different EWOT mask and bag brands on the market.
Used Ewot Bags/ Used Ewot Masks and Used Oxygen Concentrators

Ok, so people are wondering how I am getting all these used oxygen concentrators back that are only used 2 weeks. No, I'm not taking them out of the box and putting them back in and calling them used. The reason is so many people take advantage of getting a free 2 week trial and have no intention of buying or keeping their ewot system. It is worth it for some people just to pay the shipping and try it for free.

Note: As of now, I always have a rotation of different Ewot masks, Ewot bags, and oxygen concentrators and have decided to not upload the pictures every time. If someone wants to see pictures I can take a picture while I am on the phone and show any current stock I have. If you have video I can do a live video and turn the oxygen concentrator on and show the quality of the mask and bags if needed.

Note: We only sell used Ewot bags if they pass our tests. So many used Ewot Bags leak air but is not noticeable but over time it gets worse. Doing the bubble test and seeing if any bubbles form is the easiest way to see how worn out an Ewot bag is. (For those on a budget, we have a package deal when we do our volume orders, buying a new oxygen concentrator and new ewot setup will probably be cheaper than buying a used one from a dealer who does not get volume pricing like us.

So, we urge our customers to shop around... see who has the best price on all the pieces. Someone might sell Ewot masks and Ewot bags cheap but overcharge on the oxygen concentrator. (see my review on oxygen concentrators. The 20psi 10 liter Airsep intensity is the only one that we don't ever get returns on. It has the largest compressor and should last longer than the 5 and 10 psi models. It is strong enough to go against hyperbaric back pressure also.

​For used oxygen concentrators we check them after people return them. Some people get overly excited about Ewot and 2 months later it ends up sitting in their closet. We check for abnormal vibration on oxygen concentrators as well as filth. So many people don't keep their oxygen concentrator at 100% and mold and bacteria and pollutants fill up the machine. We don't sell used oxygen concentrators that are out of warranty or near out of warranty. We do have access to refurbished oxygen concentrators. Our volume prices we order our volume orders are always cheaper than the refurbished oxygen concentrator price.

Note: some people have hyperbaric chambers with 2 compressors and an oxygen concentrator and other things on that power outlet. Sometimes the breaker is tripped and they return the oxygen concentrator and later find out there was nothing wrong with it, just their breaker needs to be reset.

Used Oxygen Concentrator Warning: 
Many used oxygen concentrators produce oxygen levels lower than 85%. Some are as low as 70% on the low levels and 40% on level 10. These are usually brands that I don't carry. Everytime someone has a problem it's usually never an Invacare or Airsep.

If someone wants a used oxygen concentrator it will probably not be much cheaper than the discounts we offer on a new oxygen concentrator. I get the best prices on Airsep since that is the brand I buy the most of but if someone wants another brand (Invacare Platinum oxygen concentrator or Respironics Millennium M10 oxygen concentrator), I can get those too. Airsep is still a little more expensive, especially for the 20psi model but I believe it is way worth it in the long run.

Contact me if you are interested in a Used Ewot setup. I will do my best to make it more affordable than a new setup.