...because I had to buy every brand to know the truth

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The Largest EWOT Review site on the Internet
We compared the different EWOT mask and bag brands on the market.
Ewot and Hyperbaric chambers:
People are asking how breathing in oxygen from an Ewot bag is different than breathing in oxygen inside a hyperbaric chamber. 

For Ewot outside the chamber not under pressure inside a hyperbaric chamber, my body needs to build up heat (at least 3 degree that I can check on my rectal thermometer). When my blood is circulating faster and more pressure is built up in my body, using Ewot outside the hyperbaric chamber "PULLS" oxygen to my cells. 

In the hyperbaric chamber, HBOT, I "push" oxygen into my cells and I don't have to build up my core temperature in order to build up pressure to diffuse the oxygen to my cells (transport it). The pressure in the chamber is a more passive way to push oxygen to my cells while doing ewot after my core is 3 degrees higher during my warmup, it is a more active way of pushing oxygen to my cells.

I know how I feel right when I get out of a hyperbaric chamber and my body is at 99+ percent oxygen and I go for a long run and I know how I feel when doing that same level of intensity workout doing Ewot without the hyperbaric chamber.  (also, if I have time, I do the hyperbaric chamber first and get warm in there towards the end of my session and then go right into my Ewot workout without having to spend time warming up. I use an infrared heating pad in my chamber and do exercises in there depending on how much energy I want to reserve. Once my core is 3 degrees higher shown on the thermometer I plan my session so I am deflating the chamber and timing is perfect that I go right into my workout. I have taken jiu jitsu and I have no problem bringing my chamber in my carrying case and setting up the concentrator and compressors in the changing room. No one has ever had a problem with it. No one really cares and is unlikely going to come up to anyone with a big medical device (oxygen concentrator and an 8 foot ewot bag even at Starbucks. It's a little loud but filling up a bag usually invites people over to ask what that big bag of air is for.

Note: Ewot VS Hyperbarics
The big decision on if someone wants to do Ewot or do Hyperbaric instead is if they want to push vs pull oxygen into their cells. Ewot users tell me that Ewot is way better than hyperbaric and those that spend thousands on their hyperbaric chamber will tell me that their chamber is better. Both can be just as effective if the right protocols are taken before or during each session. So many people do both wrong and are never educated on how to get the best out of their session with Ewot or hyperbaric.

I do have a connections with hyperbaric chambers and for those that want to try hyperbaric therapy they have a 2 week 100% refundable trial (minus the shipping). Don't worry, I love when people take advantage and just wanna use a chamber for free for 2 weeks, (I get deep discounts on these returns and dealers like me fight over these returns. So, for those that want to "try it and return it", no one is gonna get upset if you just wanna freebie 2 week trial. Same with Ewot bags, they charge a restocking fee but I don't.

See my used Ewot page or contact me for used Ewot bags and masks that I haven't listed on my site yet. I also get oxygen concentrators back from people that rent chambers and only needed their chamber to heal from an injury and don't want it long term. I will do whatever I have to do to make Ewot affordable for people. See my Used Ewot page here.