...because I had to buy every brand to know the truth

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The Largest EWOT Review site on the Internet
We compared the different EWOT mask and bag brands on the market.
​Ewot Complaints - Most common complaints about Ewot

I am just going to write about the common complaints I get that come to my mind. These Ewot complaints are in no particular order. The Ewot complaints I get are not directed towards and Ewot dealer or Ewot manufacturer. These are simply whatever Ewot complaints that come to my mind first.

Off gassing - this is one of the complaints that I get. Some people get their Ewot mask the Ewot mask itself gives off a smell as well as the plastic Ewot bag that gives off a plastic smell. (Note: Freshly made Ewot bags will usually have a stronger smell. (for those that don't want this smell or are chemically sensitive, please request an off gassed Ewot mask, hoses and bag. We have a machine that we put in a chamber that will off gas a new Ewot setup for those that want this service. Some people cannot use ewot that are highly chemically sensitive. Otherwise, just give it a little time and the formaldehydes and plasticides will slowly fade off.

Irritation from certain Ewot masks - I mean it when I ask people to take the Ewot Quiz. So many people get the wrong mask and it irritates their face. I get complaints about rashes especially from people that sweat alot. Some masks don't allow the skin to breath and when the mask needs to be too tight it can cause a major rash, especially certain masks. I will fit people into the right mask based on the answers people give me on the quiz and I can ask more specific questions by phone depending on what someone is using Ewot for.

Mask leakage - So many masks start to warp or fall apart. Most unless they don't fit someone's face start to leak from day one. Some masks have to be on so tight that the only way they won't leak is if they are so tight and when sweating they start causing discomfort and this usually leads to a redness around the face. If on too long like this it can lead to a rash.

Oxygen levels from the Concentrator - Some concentrators work better at higher altitudes while others oxygen concentrators that are used in states like Colorado, some brands do not work as well. Many people think they are getting 95% oxygen but when checked with a meter they may only be getting 89%. I avoid used oxygen concentrators unless I know they are factory certified. By that I mean the oxygen concentrator has been sent in and the manufacturer has certified it in good working condition or refurbished it with new parts. (see my Ewot oxygen concentrator review page to learn more on the different oxygen concentrators)

Leaking Ewot Bags (Ewot Reservoir) - Some bags leak as the seams where they are seamed bust open over time. Some of the good ones I rarely get calls from leakage. The bags that leak are pretty easy to fix up when doing a bubble soap suds test on it. Finding the leak can take just a minute or two and easily be patched up.

Warranties and customer service - The only reason I hear about the complaints is when people can't get through to the company they bought from or the manufacturer as they won't answer their phones and all people get is a voicemail. Some companies just have an email and that is a red flag to me right there. When I call companies and they don't answer or the phone service company they hired who is an outside company takes down a message or gives me some email to write to them, that is also a big red flag.

For help choosing an Ewot set up take my Ewot Quiz. I will pick out the Ewot setup based on the answers you choose. Take the Ewot Quiz here.